
ENIP statement at UN Permanent Forum

United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
Thirteenth Session
New York, 12-23 May 2014

For the full recording of the session go to UN Webcast ENIP statement starts at timestamp 1:13:24

Agenda Item 6: Future work of the Permanent Forum, including emerging issues

Statement delivered by Oda Almas on behalf of European Network on Indigenous Peoples (ENIP)

I make this statement on behalf of the European Network on Indigenous Peoples (ENIP), a consortium of European-based support and solidarity organisations working for the realization of indigenous peoples’ rights. ENIP was established in May 2013, to jointly promote the rights of indigenous peoples as they are affected by Europe. Our members currently include International Working Group on Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA), Forest Peoples Programme (FPP), Almaciga, Indigenous Peoples Links (PIPLinks) and INFOE. We see out goal as ensuring that all European actors fulfil, respect and protect the rights of indigenous peoples globally.

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